Noble Counties Largest Co-Ed Fitness Center 

Welcome to the online home of Freedom Fitness!

One of the visions of Freedom Fitness is to help people reach for goals they never thought possible. These can range from making healthy eating a lifestyle to capturing the world pogo stick record to ___ ?___ you fill in the blank. Personally, my goals have ranged from getting to work 5 minutes early to inline skating across the United States. As you can see, the goals being talked about here are not the ones of legends (though they can be :) but any that take you out of your comfort zone.

With that said, since the opening of Freedom Fitness I've been blessed to witness people reach goals that have included increasing their level of health to the point they could discontinue their use of certain meds, running a mile and fitting into a pair of pants deemed to small for the moths to even bother eating.  As you can see, people have the freedom to accomplish what they want here.  With that said I'm excited to show you all the things the center has to offer.  So please click on one of the links below for additional information.

Thank you for your interest,
